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Local and Legal Directory Listing Services

Local and legal directory listing services can boost your local business and law firm.

Why Do Local And Legal Directory Listings Matter?

People like to do business locally. They like the idea they are supporting local law office and that because you are local it is a relationship, not just a transaction.

This idea is the same in internet marketing, Google has made a large push for local results and the value of real local directory profile is huge.

Think about the number of places someone can find you online, although over 65% starts with Google, many times the results push your client to a local directory or local result.

There are over 250 local-focused directories your business should be placed on and another 50 or so legal directories.

3 Reasons To Focus On Local Profiles and Placement

There are three reasons you need to focus on local profiles and placement:

Protect Your Business & Image:

Claiming your law firm online protects you from someone else claiming it or adjusting it, it is that simple. Then it is all about information, image, and branding.

On most profiles, you can place a ton of information, images, and even videos. When someone finds your law firm online, you want to make sure it is branded correctly and providing the information and image your firm wants.

Business and Legal Directories Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Bottom line is that listing in hundred of legal and business directories improves your SEO and helps you get found online.

Each of these listings validates your law firm with Google, Bing, and Yahoo and gives your website more search authority and credibility while helping you rank better. This is really the foundation to all SEO and the best way to start.

Local Search:

According to hubspot research, over 81% of Internet searches are for local business services and products and although 49% of that search is from Google they then drive people to local directories and legal directories.

Not listing your law firm everywhere online could be throwing away 40% additional volume to your website.

Legal Boost was designed to help law firms and lawyers be found online and build a professional image & branding.

If you have questions about local and legal directory listing services, legal boost, social boost, or affordable legal website design give the team at Coin Ideology Digital an email at [email protected] or visit us online at